Investing in the Next Generation of Leadership

Earlier this year, Johns Hopkins University Press published LGBTQ Leadership in Higher Education, edited by Raymond Crossman, President of Adler University and a founding member of the LGBTQ Presidents in Higher Education. The book collects essays and reflections by over a dozen college and university presidents, chancellors, and CEOs. As a special thank you to contributors, we will give a free ebook for any gift of $50 or more, received by December 31, 2022.

Cover image of the book LGBTQ Leadership in Higher Education
LGBTQ Leadership in Higher Education from Johns Hopkins University Press

In November, we collected a few passages from the book that inspired us and shared them on social media. If you follow us on LinkedIn, you may have seen the following images. If not, you can enjoy them here. 

photo of Karen Whitney and text
Karen Whitney on LGBTQ Leadership

“Awareness, understanding, and perfecting how we successfully navigate the dominant culture’s structures of power and privilege forms the basis of an LGBTQ leader-navigator style.” Karen Whitney is President Emerita of Clarion University of Pennsylvania, where she served as President from 2010 to 2017, and the former Interim Chancellor of University of Illinois Springfield (2020-22) and former Interim Chancellor of Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education (2017-18).

photo of Rusty Barcelo and text
Rusty Barcelo on intersectionality and leadership

“We will all have to be multiculturalists—meaning inclusive of all groups and recognizing the salience of intersectionality calling for new forms of leadership. As academic leaders, we must model multicultural leadership by breaking out of comfort zones, to embrace diversity and work across cultural differences.” Rusty Barcelo is the former President of Northern New Mexico College (2010-15).

Terry Allison on the gay voice

“For some of us gay men, homophobia has meant managing people’s hostile reaction to our sounding too queer. Homophobia silences us, making us less likely to lead.” Terry Allison is the former Chancellor of Indiana University at South Bend (2013-18) and the former Executive Director of the LGBTQ Presidents in Higher Education (2020-22).

photo of Erika Endrijonas and text
Erika Endrijonas on being a lesbian-feminist leader

“I’m a lesbian feminist leader who understands what it feels like to be the ‘other,’ which I believe makes me sensitive to assumptions about who our students are and what they need to be successful.” Erika Endrijonas is the co-chair of the board for the LGBTQ Presidents in Higher Education. She is Superintendent-President of Pasadena City College, where she has served since 2019. Previous to that, she was President of Los Angeles Valley College.

You can still give to LGBTQ Presidents and Leaders in Higher Education before December 31, 2022 to receive a free e-book! Click on the DONATE button above.